Winocm has managed to decrypt iBoot for the the 64-bit iPhone 5s which makes exploitation much easier.
Winocm posted a screenshot of the decrypted iBoot to Twitter earlier today saying, “64-bit iBoots anyone?”.
He followed that up by noting, “iPhone 5s iBoots are definitely very interesting to look at. A7 is indeed a total reimagining of the iPhone architecture. Also, looks like the CPU implements the full AArch64 exception model. I think the part I like the most about the A7’s boot chain is the new boot monitor.”
iH8Sn0w, who recently found a powerful iBoot exploit, notes that “They’re dumps from userland. Will be much easier to exploit with iBoot though now that there’s a dump to work with :)”
When asked if this means the A7 iPhone 5s can be jailbroken for life, iH8Sn0w replied, “No. But maybe. Will be a lot easier to get my stuff working now that I have dump to work with :)”
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