RYOT was asked by Apple to film its latest short documentary with the iPhone 6s Plus. They took it to Haiti and made a film about color.
The film tells the story of one citizen from Jalouzi, one of the largest slums in Haiti, who is determined to bring color to the impoverished area by helping paint the entire town, literally.
Believing that color has the power to transform his community, he’s helping to paint everywhere – on houses, on buses, and the entire hillside. Armed with brushes of bright blues, pastel pinks, and sunshine yellows, he’s helping to mobilize citizens of all ages, determined to turn the grey town into a rainbow full of color to lead the way to a brighter Haiti.
A film by David Darg & Bryn Mooser
Filmed on iPhone 6s Plus
Artists: Duval Pierre & Gerard Fortune
Take Action: RYOT.org/ThePainter
Watch the behind the scenes footage:
Apple asked RYOT to test drive the iPhone 6s so we took it to Haiti and made a film about color. We used some cutting edge filmmaking techniques with this incredible device and learned that you don’t need a professional rig to tell an incredible story.
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