5. Autocomplete for new ES entities
Autocomplete is the heart of Console. In 8.2, we updated autocomplete to suggest the names of the specific composable index templates, component templates, and data streams that exist in your deployment.
Console performance has been an issue for larger deployments, especially for folks who use Console a lot. We took some time to address these cases.
Optimizing retrieval of mappings
Console retrieves all index mappings from ES when it loads, to power autocompletion of fields. For deployments with many mappings, this payload can be so large that it can cause cluster instability. In 8.1 and 7.17.3, we addressed this issue by compressing the mappings response, reducing its size and response time.
Console can automatically refresh these mappings on an interval, but this is inefficient if your mappings don’t change frequently. Beginning in 8.1, you will be able to configure the rate at which mappings are refreshed, disable fetching mappings entirely, or configure Console to only fetch them once when the user navigates to Console.
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