As part of Swift’s move toward safe, simple, and performant asynchronous programming, we are pleased to introduce a new package of algorithms for AsyncSequence. It is called Swift Async Algorithms and it is available now on GitHub. This package has three main goals: First-class integration with async/await Provide a home for time-based algorithms Be cross-platform and … [Read more...] about Introducing Swift Async Algorithms
Apple announces new coaching program for educators
March 22, 2022 UPDATE Apple announces new coaching program and features for educators Applications open for Apple Learning Coach, with the new Apple Education Community coming this fall Empowering educators with technology and resources is fundamental to Apple — that’s why professional learning has always been a key piece of Apple’s education offerings. Today, Apple is … [Read more...] about Apple announces new coaching program for educators
Apple’s $4.7B in Green Bonds support innovative green technology
March 24, 2022 UPDATE Apple’s $4.7B in Green Bonds support innovative green technology The company plans to use the world’s first commercial-purity low-carbon aluminum from ELYSIS in the iPhone SE Investments from Apple’s $4.7 billion in Green Bonds have helped jump-start the development of new low-carbon manufacturing and recycling technologies, the company announced … [Read more...] about Apple’s $4.7B in Green Bonds support innovative green technology
Apple launches the first driver’s license and state ID in Wallet with Arizona
March 23, 2022 UPDATE Apple launches the first driver’s license and state ID in Wallet with Arizona Additional states to follow, including Colorado, Hawaii, Mississippi, Ohio, and the territory of Puerto Rico Apple announced that Arizona is the first state to offer driver’s license and state ID in Wallet. Starting today, Arizonans can add their driver’s license or state ID … [Read more...] about Apple launches the first driver’s license and state ID in Wallet with Arizona
Apple announces new coaching program and features for educators
Applications open for Apple Learning Coach, with the new Apple Education Community coming this fall. Apple announces new coaching program and features for educators … [Read more...] about Apple announces new coaching program and features for educators – Swift 5.3 Release Process
March 25, 2020 This post describes the goals, release process, and estimated schedule for Swift 5.3. Motivation and Goals Swift 5.3 is a release meant to include significant quality and performance enhancements. In addition, this release will expand the number of platforms where Swift is available and supported, notably adding support for Windows and … [Read more...] about – Swift 5.3 Release Process
Introducing Swift AWS Lambda Runtime
May 29, 2020 Tom Doron is a member of the Swift Core Team and the Swift Server Work Group. He manages a team working on server-side Swift libraries at Apple. It is my pleasure to announce a new open source project for the Swift Server ecosystem, Swift AWS Lambda Runtime. Distributed as a Swift package, the Swift AWS Lambda Runtime is designed to … [Read more...] about Introducing Swift AWS Lambda Runtime
Swift 5.3 released!
Swift 5.3 is now officially released! 🎉 Swift 5.3 continues to focus on language refinements, the developer experience, and expanding the Swift ecosystem to enable more opportunities to write Swift. These sketch notes, created by Amy Tsai, illustrate the highlights of the Swift 5.3 release: Full resolution version available on Amy’s tweet You can also experiment with … [Read more...] about Swift 5.3 released!
Swift 5.4 Released!
Swift 5.4 is now officially released! This release contains a variety of language and tooling improvements. You can try out some of the new features in this playground put together by Paul Hudson. An updated version of The Swift Programming Language for Swift 5.4 is now available on It is also available for free on the Apple Books store. Language Updates Swift … [Read more...] about Swift 5.4 Released! – Swift 5.5 Released!
September 20, 2021 Ted Kremenek is a member of the Swift Core Team and manages the Languages and Runtimes group at Apple. Swift 5.5 is now officially released! Swift 5.5 is a massive release, which includes newly introduced language capabilities for concurrency, including async/await, structured concurrency, and Actors. My heartfelt thanks to … [Read more...] about – Swift 5.5 Released!