The Indian government on Friday released a draft version of the much-awaited data protection regulation, making it the fourth such effort since it was first proposed in July 2018. The Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2022, as it's called, aims to secure personal data, while also seeking users' consent in what the draft claims is "clear and plain language" describing the … [Read more...] about Indian Government Publishes Draft of Digital Personal Data Protection Bill 2022
Identity Protection: Benefits of a Unified Security Platform
As cyberattacks continue to grow relentlessly, enterprises have to continue improving their cyber defenses to stay one step ahead of the adversaries. One area that CISOs have recently started paying more attention is identity threat protection. This is not surprising considering 80% of modern attacks are identity-driven leveraging stolen credentials. In fact, identity threat … [Read more...] about Identity Protection: Benefits of a Unified Security Platform
CrowdStrike Falcon Pro for Mac Achieves 100% Mac Malware Protection
CrowdStrike Falcon Pro for Mac achieved 100% Mac malware protection in the May 2022 AV-Comparatives Mac Security Test and Review CrowdStrike Falcon Pro for Mac has now won five consecutive Approved Mac Security Product Awards from AV-Comparatives, one of the leading third-party independent organizations testing the efficacy of endpoint security solutions in protecting against … [Read more...] about CrowdStrike Falcon Pro for Mac Achieves 100% Mac Malware Protection
Detecting NTLM Relay Attacks with CrowdStrike Identity Protection
Adversaries often exploit legacy protocols like Windows NTLM that unfortunately remain widely deployed despite known vulnerabilities. Previous CrowdStrike blog posts have covered critical vulnerabilities in NTLM that allow remote code execution and other NTLM attacks where attackers could exploit vulnerabilities to bypass MIC (Message Integrity Code) protection, session signing … [Read more...] about Detecting NTLM Relay Attacks with CrowdStrike Identity Protection
Falcon OverWatch Contributes to BlackCat Protection
In an effort to stay ahead of improvements in automated detections and preventions, adversary groups continually look to new tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs), and new tooling to progress their mission objectives. One group — known as BlackCat/ALPHV — has taken the sophisticated approach of developing their tooling from the ground up, using newer, more secure languages … [Read more...] about Falcon OverWatch Contributes to BlackCat Protection
How Identity Protection Can Accelerate Cyber Insurance Initiatives
The growth in frequency and severity of cyberattacks has caused organizations to rethink their security strategies. Major recent security threats, such as high-profile ransomware attacks and the Log4Shell vulnerabilities disclosed in 2021, have led to a greater focus on identity protection as adversaries rely on valid credentials to move laterally across target networks. Cyber … [Read more...] about How Identity Protection Can Accelerate Cyber Insurance Initiatives
How Identity Threat Protection is Reinventing MDR
The modern threat landscape continues to evolve with an increase in attacks leveraging compromised credentials. An attacker with compromised credentials too frequently has free reign to move about an organization and carefully plan their attack before they strike. This week Falcon Complete™, CrowdStrike’s leading managed detection and response (MDR) service, announced a new … [Read more...] about How Identity Threat Protection is Reinventing MDR
Exploit Research Strengthens Customer Protection
CrowdStrike continuously observes and researches exploit behavior to strengthen protection for customers Code execution techniques constantly target Windows, Linux and macOS operating systems Successful remote/arbitrary code execution can enable a foothold for attackers to continue compromise Understanding and detecting post-exploit activity is imperative for keeping … [Read more...] about Exploit Research Strengthens Customer Protection
Data Protection Day: No Privacy without Security
Today’s privacy and security conversations often happen in silos, but key privacy principles from decades ago remind us that they are intertwined, especially in the face of today’s risks. January 28, 2022, marks 15 years since the first Data Protection Day was proclaimed in Europe and 13 years since Data Privacy Day was first recognized by the United States. Since then, dozens … [Read more...] about Data Protection Day: No Privacy without Security
Cyber Threat Protection — It All Starts with Visibility
Just as animals use their senses to detect danger, cybersecurity depends on sensors to identify signals in the computing environment that may signal danger. The more highly tuned, diverse and coordinated the senses, the more likely one is to detect important signals that indicate danger. This, however, can be a double-edged sword. Too many signals with too little advanced … [Read more...] about Cyber Threat Protection — It All Starts with Visibility