As Elasticians, we have the opportunity to observe various Elastic use cases. As former SOC analysts, we find ourselves drawn to the security use cases. We are always looking for ways to leverage the Elastic Stack to add value to the Elastic and cybersecurity community. We are constantly researching — sifting through news articles, white papers, databases, etc. We realized that … [Read more...] about How to leverage RSS feeds to inform the possibilities with Elastic Stack
Elastic Stack 8.3.1 released | Elastic Blog
Elastic Stack 8.3.1 releasedEnglish简体中文한국어日本語FrançaisDeutschEspañolPortuguêsVersion 8.3.1 of the Elastic Stack was released today. We recommend you upgrade to this latest version. We recommend 8.3.1 over the previous versions in 8.3.x.The release contains fixes for security vulnerabilities. Please see our security announcements for more details.For details of the issues that … [Read more...] about Elastic Stack 8.3.1 released | Elastic Blog
Elastic Stack 8.2.2 released | Elastic Blog
Elastic Stack 8.2.2 releasedEnglish简体中文한국어日本語FrançaisDeutschEspañolPortuguêsVersion 8.2.2 of the Elastic Stack was released today. We recommend you upgrade to this latest version.The 8.2.2 patch contains fixes and small enhancements for the stack. For a full list of changes for each product, please refer to the release notes:8.2.2 Release NotesElastic StackElastic Enterprise … [Read more...] about Elastic Stack 8.2.2 released | Elastic Blog
The Cost of Doing the ELK Stack on Your Own
So, you’ve decided to go with ELK to centralize, manage, and analyze your logs.Wise decision.The ELK Stack is now the world’s most popular log management platform, with millions of downloads per month. The platform’s open source foundation, scalability, speed, and high availability, as well as the huge and ever-growing community of users, are all excellent reasons for this … [Read more...] about The Cost of Doing the ELK Stack on Your Own
Elastic Stack 7.17.1 released | Elastic Blog
Version 7.17.1 of the Elastic Stack was released today. We recommend you upgrade to this latest version. We recommend 7.17.1 over the previous patch versions in 7.17.x.The 7.17.1 patch release contains a fix for a potential security vulnerability. Please see our security advisory for more details.This version also contains fixes for a number of problems in the 7.17 to 8.x … [Read more...] about Elastic Stack 7.17.1 released | Elastic Blog
How the Falcon Platform Modernizes Your Security Stack
The job for CIOs, CISOs and their security and IT teams may be more complex than ever in 2022. Ongoing support for hybrid workforces, coupled with the continued shift to the cloud, has expanded the threat surface. At the same time, the infrastructure and environments supporting organizations are growing ever more vulnerable. According to the National Institute of Standards and … [Read more...] about How the Falcon Platform Modernizes Your Security Stack
Streamline configuration processes with an official Elastic Stack Terraform provider
Or, by using an elasticsearch_connection block with the same parameters on a per-resource level. This lets you use the provider to configure multiple Elastic Stack instances in a single configuration file and spin up a fully configured Elastic deployment on Elastic Cloud. The Elastic Stack, as codeThe Elastic Stack Terraform provider allows you to manage crucial Elasticsearch … [Read more...] about Streamline configuration processes with an official Elastic Stack Terraform provider
Elastic Stack 6.8.23 released with Log4j update
Version 6.8.23 of the Elastic Stack was released today. We recommend you upgrade to this latest version.The 6.8.23 patch release contains an updated version of Log4j (2.17.1) for both Elasticsearch and Logstash.For a full list of changes for each product, please refer to the release notes:6.8.23 release notesElastic Stack Source link … [Read more...] about Elastic Stack 6.8.23 released with Log4j update
Elastic Stack 7.16.3 released | Elastic Blog
Version 7.16.3 of the Elastic Stack was released today. We recommend you upgrade to this latest version.The 7.16.3 patch release contains an updated version of Log4j (2.17.1) for both Elasticsearch and Logstash.For a full list of changes for each product, please refer to the release notes:7.16.3 release notesElastic StackElastic Enterprise SearchElastic ObservabilityElastic … [Read more...] about Elastic Stack 7.16.3 released | Elastic Blog
Severe Bugs Reported in EtherNet/IP Stack for Industrial Systems
The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) on Thursday issued an advisory warning of multiple vulnerabilities in the OpENer EtherNet/IP stack that could expose industrial systems to denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, data leaks, and remote code execution. All OpENer commits and versions prior to February 10, 2021, are affected, although there are no known … [Read more...] about Severe Bugs Reported in EtherNet/IP Stack for Industrial Systems