Mar 01, 2025Ravie LakshmananPrivacy / Data Protection Firefox browser maker Mozilla on Friday updated its Terms of Use a second time within a week following criticism overbroad language that appeared to give the company the rights to all information uploaded by users. The revised Terms of Use now states - You give Mozilla the rights necessary to operate Firefox. This includes … [Read more...] about Mozilla Updates Firefox Terms Again After Backlash Over Broad Data License Language
Mozilla Says Google’s New Ad Tech—FLoC—Doesn’t Protect User Privacy
Google's upcoming plans to replace third-party cookies with a less invasive ad targeted mechanism have a number of issues that could defeat its privacy objectives and allow for significant linkability of user behavior, possibly even identifying individual users. "FLoC is premised on a compelling idea: enable ad targeting without exposing users to risk," said Eric Rescorla, … [Read more...] about Mozilla Says Google’s New Ad Tech—FLoC—Doesn’t Protect User Privacy
Mozilla Launches ‘Firefox Private Network’ VPN Service as a Browser Extension
Mozilla has officially launched a new privacy-focused VPN service, called Firefox Private Network, as a browser extension that aims to encrypt your online activity and limit what websites and advertisers know about you.Firefox Private Network service is currently in beta and available only to desktop users in the United States as part of Mozilla's recently expunged "Firefox … [Read more...] about Mozilla Launches ‘Firefox Private Network’ VPN Service as a Browser Extension
Google, Mozilla, Apple Block Kazakhstan’s Root CA Certificate to Prevent Spying
In a move to protect its users based in Kazakhstan from government surveillance, Google, Apple and Mozilla finally today came forward and blocked Kazakhstan's government-issued root CA certificate within their respective web browsing software.Starting today, Chrome, Safari and Firefox users in Kazakhstan will see an error message stating that the "Qaznet Trust Network" … [Read more...] about Google, Mozilla, Apple Block Kazakhstan’s Root CA Certificate to Prevent Spying
Tor Security Add-On Abruptly Killed by Mozilla Bug
A digital signing flaw killed add-ons for Firefox as well as Tor -- and no patch is yet available for Tor users. Source link … [Read more...] about Tor Security Add-On Abruptly Killed by Mozilla Bug
Is Privacy Really iPhone? Researchers Weigh in on Apple’s Targeted Ad Tracking
The administrator of your personal data will be Threatpost, Inc., 500 Unicorn Park, Woburn, MA 01801. Detailed information on the processing of personal data can be found in the privacy policy. In addition, you will find them in the message confirming the subscription to the newsletter. Source link … [Read more...] about Is Privacy Really iPhone? Researchers Weigh in on Apple’s Targeted Ad Tracking