This is the fourth in our series of blogs about the quantum threat. Our most recent post, The Impacts of Government Regulations on PQC Product Availability, discussed government standards for Post-Quantum Computing (PQC) and their impact on PQC adoption. As a diverse collection of stakeholders anticipates the maturing of PQC, the risks of Q-Day and Harvest Now, Decrypt Later … [Read more...] about Quantum Key Distribution & the Path to Post-Quantum Computing
Google Chrome Switches to ML-KEM for Post-Quantum Cryptography Defense
Sep 17, 2024Ravie LakshmananBrowser Security / Quantum Computing Google has announced that it will be switching from KYBER to ML-KEM in its Chrome web browser as part of its ongoing efforts to defend against the risk posed by cryptographically relevant quantum computers (CRQCs). "Chrome will offer a key share prediction for hybrid ML-KEM (codepoint 0x11EC)," David Adrian, … [Read more...] about Google Chrome Switches to ML-KEM for Post-Quantum Cryptography Defense
Single-Core CPU Cracked Post-Quantum Encryption Candidate Algorithm in Just an Hour
A late-stage candidate encryption algorithm that was meant to withstand decryption by powerful quantum computers in the future has been trivially cracked by using a computer running Intel Xeon CPU in an hour's time. The algorithm in question is SIKE — short for Supersingular Isogeny Key Encapsulation — which made it to the fourth round of the Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) … [Read more...] about Single-Core CPU Cracked Post-Quantum Encryption Candidate Algorithm in Just an Hour
Post-Quantum TLS 1.3 and SSH Performance (preliminary results)
Co-author: Dimitrios Sikeridis. Motivation As brought up on multiple occasions, if a real-world quantum computer was ever built, it could jeopardize public key exchange, encryption, and digital signature schemes used in secure tunnel protocols today like (D)TLS, SSH, IKEv2/IPsec and more. To prepare for a post-quantum future, NIST has embarked on a journey of standardizing … [Read more...] about Post-Quantum TLS 1.3 and SSH Performance (preliminary results)