Version 7.17.22 of the Elastic Stack was released today. We recommend you upgrade to this latest version. We recommend 7.17.22 over the previous version 7.17. For details of the issues that have been fixed and a full list of changes for each product in this version, please refer to the release notes. Source link … [Read more...] about Elastic Stack 7.17.22 released | Elastic Blog
Elastic Stack 8.13.4 released | Elastic Blog
Version 8.13.4 of the Elastic Stack was released today. We recommend you upgrade to this latest version. We recommend 8.13.4 over the previous versions 8.13.2 and 8.13.3. For details of the issues that have been fixed and a full list of changes for each product in this version, please refer to the release notes. Source link … [Read more...] about Elastic Stack 8.13.4 released | Elastic Blog
Elastic Stack 7.17.20 released | Elastic Blog
Version 7.17.20 of the Elastic Stack was released today. We recommend you upgrade to this latest version. We recommend 7.17.20 over the previous version 7.17.19. The7.17.20 patch release contains a fix for a bug in JDK22 in 7.17.19 release. This bug causes Elasticsearch nodes to crash, as well as, causing data corruption. The current workaround is to downgrade 7.17.19 to … [Read more...] about Elastic Stack 7.17.20 released | Elastic Blog
Elastic Stack 8.12.2 released | Elastic Blog
Version 8.12.2 of the Elastic Stack was released today. We recommend you upgrade to this latest version. We recommend 8.12.2 over 8.12.1 and 8.11.x releases.The 8.12.2 patch release contains a performance issue fix in the Elastic Security Solution. Please see our Elastic Security Solution release notes for more details. The 8.12.2 patch release also contains a fix for an … [Read more...] about Elastic Stack 8.12.2 released | Elastic Blog
LockBit Ransomware Operation Shut Down; Criminals Arrested; Decryption Keys Released
Feb 20, 2024NewsroomRansomware / Data Protection The U.K. National Crime Agency (NCA) on Tuesday confirmed that it obtained LockBit's source code as well as intelligence pertaining to its activities and their affiliates as part of a dedicated task force called Operation Cronos. "Some of the data on LockBit's systems belonged to victims who had paid a ransom to the threat … [Read more...] about LockBit Ransomware Operation Shut Down; Criminals Arrested; Decryption Keys Released
Rhysida Ransomware Cracked, Free Decryption Tool Released
Feb 12, 2024NewsroomVulnerability / Data Recovery Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered an "implementation vulnerability" that has made it possible to reconstruct encryption keys and decrypt data locked by Rhysida ransomware. The findings were published last week by a group of researchers from Kookmin University and the Korea Internet and Security Agency (KISA). "Through a … [Read more...] about Rhysida Ransomware Cracked, Free Decryption Tool Released
Elastic Stack 8.11.4 released | Elastic Blog
Version 8.11.4 of the Elastic Stack was released today. We recommend you upgrade to this latest version. We recommend 8.11.4 over 8.11.3 and 8.10.x releases.The 8.11.4 patch release contains a performance issue fix in the Elastic Security Solution. Please see our Elastic Security Solution release notes for more details.For details of the issues that have been fixed and a full … [Read more...] about Elastic Stack 8.11.4 released | Elastic Blog
Elastic Stack 7.17.16 released | Elastic Blog
Version 7.17.16 of the Elastic Stack was released today. We recommend you upgrade to this latest version. We recommend 7.17.16 over the previous patch versions in 7.17.x.The 7.17.16 patch release contains a fix for a potential security vulnerability. Please see our security advisory for more details.For details of the issues that have been fixed and a full list of changes for … [Read more...] about Elastic Stack 7.17.16 released | Elastic Blog
Elastic Stack 8.11.2 released | Elastic Blog
Version 8.11.2 of the Elastic Stack was released today. We recommend you upgrade to this latest version. We recommend 8.11.2 over 8.11.1 and 8.10.x releases.For details of the issues that have been fixed and a full list of changes for each product in this version, please refer to the release notes. Source link … [Read more...] about Elastic Stack 8.11.2 released | Elastic Blog
Elastic Stack 8.10.4 released | Elastic Blog
Version 8.10.4 of the Elastic Stack was released today. We recommend you upgrade to this latest version. We recommend 8.10.4 over the previous patch versions in 8.10.x. The 8.10.4 patch release contains a fix for a potential security vulnerability. Please see our security advisory for more details. For details of the issues that have been fixed and a full list of changes for … [Read more...] about Elastic Stack 8.10.4 released | Elastic Blog