Jan 16, 2025Ravie LakshmananSpear Phishing / Threat Intelligence The Russian threat actor known as Star Blizzard has been linked to a new spear-phishing campaign that targets victims' WhatsApp accounts, signaling a departure from its longstanding tradecraft in a likely attempt to evade detection. "Star Blizzard's targets are most commonly related to government or diplomacy … [Read more...] about Russian Star Blizzard Shifts Tactics to Exploit WhatsApp QR Codes for Credential Harvesting
N. Korea-linked Kimsuky Shifts to Compiled HTML Help Files in Ongoing Cyberattacks
Mar 24, 2024NewsroomArtificial Intelligence / Cyber Espionage The North Korea-linked threat actor known as Kimsuky (aka Black Banshee, Emerald Sleet, or Springtail) has been observed shifting its tactics, leveraging Compiled HTML Help (CHM) files as vectors to deliver malware for harvesting sensitive data. Kimsuky, active since at least 2012, is known to target entities … [Read more...] about N. Korea-linked Kimsuky Shifts to Compiled HTML Help Files in Ongoing Cyberattacks