Telegram users have recently begun encountering various Telegram messenger hijacking schemes. Things usually start off with a message from one of their contacts containing a link to some site. The bait can be an invitation to take part in an online vote or contest, a Telegram Premium gift or trial version, a request to sign a collective petition, or something else. What all … [Read more...] about How cybercriminals hijack Telegram accounts
Gamaredon Group Launches Cyberattacks Against Ukraine Using Telegram
Jan 20, 2023Ravie LakshmananCyber War / Cyber Attack The Russian state-sponsored cyber espionage group known as Gamaredon has continued its digital onslaught against Ukraine, with recent attacks leveraging the popular messaging app Telegram to strike military and law enforcement sectors in the country. "The Gamaredon group's network infrastructure relies on multi-stage … [Read more...] about Gamaredon Group Launches Cyberattacks Against Ukraine Using Telegram
Nasty macOS Malware XCSSET Now Targets Google Chrome, Telegram Software
A malware known for targeting macOS operating system has been updated once again to add more features to its toolset that allows it to amass and exfiltrate sensitive data stored in a variety of apps, including apps such as Google Chrome and Telegram, as part of further "refinements in its tactics." XCSSET was uncovered in August 2020, when it was found targeting Mac developers … [Read more...] about Nasty macOS Malware XCSSET Now Targets Google Chrome, Telegram Software
Secret Chat in Telegram Left Self-Destructing Media Files On Devices
Popular messaging app Telegram fixed a privacy-defeating bug in its macOS app that made it possible to access self-destructing audio and video messages long after they disappeared from secret chats. The vulnerability was discovered by security researcher Dhiraj Mishra in version 7.3 of the app, who disclosed his findings to Telegram on December 26, 2020. The issue has since … [Read more...] about Secret Chat in Telegram Left Self-Destructing Media Files On Devices
New Android Spyware Found Posing as Telegram and Threema Apps
A hacking group known for its attacks in the Middle East, at least since 2017, has recently been found impersonating legitimate messaging apps such as Telegram and Threema to infect Android devices with a new, previously undocumented malware. "Compared to the versions documented in 2017, Android/SpyC23.A has extended spying functionality, including reading notifications from … [Read more...] about New Android Spyware Found Posing as Telegram and Threema Apps
New Web-Based Credit Card Stealer Uses Telegram Messenger to Exfiltrate Data
Cybercriminal groups are constantly evolving to find new ways to pilfer financial information, and the latest trick in their arsenal is to leverage the messaging app Telegram to their benefit.In what's the latest tactic adopted by Magecart groups, the encrypted messaging service is being used to send stolen payment details from compromised websites back to the attackers."For … [Read more...] about New Web-Based Credit Card Stealer Uses Telegram Messenger to Exfiltrate Data
Telegram Suffers ‘Powerful DDoS Attack’ From China During Hong Kong Protests
Telegram, one of the most popular encrypted messaging app, briefly went offline yesterday for hundreds of thousands of users worldwide after a powerful distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack hit its servers.Telegram founder Pavel Durov later revealed that the attack was mainly coming from the IP addresses located in China, suggesting the Chinese government could be behind … [Read more...] about Telegram Suffers ‘Powerful DDoS Attack’ From China During Hong Kong Protests
France’s ‘Secure’ Telegram Replacement Hacked in an Hour
The messaging app that will replace the government's use of WhatsApp and Telegram was released last week, with security vulnerability included. Source link … [Read more...] about France’s ‘Secure’ Telegram Replacement Hacked in an Hour